Standing in the Gap — no.4c

— prayer for children accused of being witches.

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 1 Corinthians 12:4–6 (NIV)

Today's theme:

Closer working relationships between churches and partners.

The New Testament uses the image of the body to describe the church. Each member is needed and each one has a role to play. We are used to applying these principles in our local churches, but they are equally applicable on a broader scale. Child witchcraft accusations is the reality of the lives of children and young people experiencing serious harm or being at risk of harm due to accusations of witchcraft or of possession by evil spirits.

The relative simplicity of international communications and travel and, most importantly, the dramatic growth of the church around the world give us an opportunity to demonstrate the multicultural reality of the body of Christ, as we respond to this issue. We come together from across the world to form friendships and partnerships of equals, united under the headship of Christ.

Lord show us how to unify in love and common purpose… May we be able to glorify your name

Let us pray…

Christ Jesus, may our unity in diversity bring honour to you and be a powerful demonstration of the truth of your message. Considering the range of harmful practices we are seeing across the UK affecting various communities, we pray that we will see benefits in intentional work to partner with NGOs working overseas to raise awareness of the impact of these practices upon vulnerable children.

Christ Jesus, show us how to unify in love and common purpose, bringing reconciliation to fractured communities and families, and bringing your healing and wholeness to broken lives. May we be able to glorify your name. Amen.

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